Sunday, October 23, 2016

Something got me thinking this past week. Some RCEA Members invite colleagues who are non-members to join and some don't. Sometimes colleagues who are non-members ask questions about the RCEA/VEA/NEA. The one question I have noticed that is always asked when educators are invited to become members is, "Why are the dues so high?"  Some have even mentioned having "sticker shock" once they see the yearly dues. 

How to respond? Well there are many things to point out to those who ask why the dues are so high! One is that we have a UniServ in our own backyard with a director who is wiling to help when a member may have a problem, or who might need to ask a legal question. Another is to invite them to visit the VEA website and see all the things that the state association does to help teachers and students; such as, lobbying the General Assembly, offering mini grants to teachers to help in the classroom, having a lawyer who can help answer questions, workshops that happen throughout the year, and the VEA Delegate Assembly, where elected members from locals go to decide what direction the VEA will take in the upcoming year.

What does the NEA do? They have people who lobby Congress and offer regional workshops.Members and non-members need to check out the NEA Member Benefits website. The website shows what saving members are offered from different companies such as lower rate credit cards, home and auto insurance, coupons from different restaurants and shopping venues. There is so much that is offered!

What does the RCEA do on the local level? Every year we are invited to attend the Rockingham County New Teacher Orientation where the officers introduce themselves to the new hires. We give a gift to members during American Education Week and let members know of upcoming VEA workshops. We attend as many School Board meetings as we can; and, even speak at those where we have questions about policies being discussed. We even present a budget proposal every year. Other things? What about VEA Lobby Day? Read Across America? Our annual Retirement Dinner and Scholarship Fund Drive? There is so much that happens!

When you see someone who is a non-member; or, if someone mentions the cost of joining. offer to show them the VEA and NEA websites. Offer to show them the Member Benefits. And, also remind them that the Education Association is their Professional Association, just as doctors, lawyers and other works have their Professional Association. NO they don't need to be involved in the political part! That is separate and only donations go to the Political Action Fund, not dues! So, think about this the next time you hear the question!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Check This Out!

I was recently contacted by an RCEA member about a Facebook Post she saw with the Ohio Education Association. They had a chart which showed how much time it took to grade papers for anywhere form 80 to 125 students. If you have a login with Facebook, check out the Ohio Education Association Facebook page to see the chart! It is a real eye-opener! But, of course, teachers will not be surprised at what they see!