Saturday, October 12, 2019

NEA's Certification Bank Information for Paraprofessionals


NEA just released a new micro-credential perfect for paraprofessional-teacher teams to study, document and be credentialed for the study! Check out "Building Winning Teams: Effective Paraeducator-Teacher Teams" or other courses on more than 100 topics! Click here to get started:

NEA ESP of the Year Award Nominations

NEA Education Support Professional Award Nominations 

The NEA will present its 29th Annual NEA ESP of the Year Award at the 2020 NEA ESP National Conference on Saturday, March 21, 2020 at the New Orleans Marriot! All nominations for this award must be sent electronically. To get the required forms go to A link to the forms needed and the guidelines are attached here The deadline to receive nominations is Monday, December 9, 2019. For questions contact Lisa Connor at (202)822-7529 or

Monday, September 23, 2019

RCEA Member Meeting September 10, 2019

The RCEA held a member meeting on September 10, 2019 at the UniServ Office in Harrisonburg. At the meeting several topics were discussed including how to increase membership. One idea was to look into sponsoring a breakfast or lunch for the new teacher orientation. We also discussed how the "other" group (Virginia Professional Educators) was able to put their information into teacher mailboxes. Nancy Basset, RCEA President, contacted Dr. Oskar Scheikl,  school superintendent, and asked if the RCEA could have permission to distribute our information as well. We received permission!! So, be ready to see packets of RCEA/VEA/NEA information showing up in mailboxes!

Also discussed were upcoming VEA Events. So, mark your calendars with the following dates:

VEA Pre-Legislative Workshop and Dinner: Wednesday, October 23, at the Verona United Methodist Church beginning at 5:00pm. Names of those attending were due September 20th. 

American Education Week: November 18-22, 2019. There was discussion on what gifts to get for members this year.

VEA Lobby Day: January 2020. Those attending the VEA Pre-Legislative Workshop will receive the date. Anyone going will need to make an appointment with their local Delegate and/or Senator in Richmond.

VEA Convention: The Convention will be in Hampton, Virginia this year. The local associations can send 1 delegate for every 33 members.

Next Member Meeting: November 12 at 4:00pm at the UniServ Office in Harrisonburg.

Sunday, August 4, 2019

RCEA at New Teacher Orientation on August 8, 2019

The RCEA Officers will be at the New Teacher Orientation at Spotswood High School on Thursday, August 8, 2019 at 2:45pm. Come and visit with the officers after our presentation and find out what some of our plans are for the year! 

Saturday, June 1, 2019

RCEA/RCPS 2019 Spring Retirement Banquet

On Thursday, May 23, 2019 the Rockingham County Education Association and RCPS hosted their annual Spring Retirement Banquet. At the banquet, Dr. Doug Aldefer helped to hand out retiree gifts; Bea Crantz from the Valley Retired Educators gave a rousing speech to those in attendance; and, Lauren Strawderman recognized the RCEA Scholarship Fund winners (photo of the winners is below).
Other special guests included Renee Read, School Board member; and, Nancy Bassett, RCEA Secretary, provided entertainment playing the piano. Tynecia Mitchell catered a wonderful meal for all the guests; and, everyone had an enjoyable evening! Thank you to all who donated to the RCEA Scholarship Fund; and, congratulations and best wishes to all RCPS retirees and our RCEA Scholarship Winners!

                            Jenine Jarrar, Abigail Olmstead, Mychaela Randall, and Logan Dofflemyer

Sunday, March 31, 2019

RCEA Scholarship Fund

The Rockingham County Education Association will be asking for donations to their Scholarship Fund beginning April 1, 2019 and going through April 30, 2019. Donations raised will go to help aspiring seniors from the four Rockingham County High Schools who are looking to go into education during their college years. One senior from each high school will be chosen from applications turned in to the RCEA Scholarship Committee. Winners will be recognized at the RCEA Annual Retirement Dinner in May. 

Those who donate $5.00 may give in honor of or in memory of an educator ($5.00 for each one recognized). Their will be a donation form coming out soon from RCEA Treasurer, Amy Harris. Donations may be given in cash or check made out to RCEA (put Scholarship Fund in the memo section of your check). Thank you for your support of future educators!

RCEA Delegates at VEA Convention

The VEA held its annual convention on March 28-30, 2019 in Richmond, Virginia. At the Convention the delegates from all across Virginia voted on changes or updates to VEA By-Laws and on new business brought forward that may end up being presented to the State Legislature next year. To find out more of what went on at the VEA Convention, including a rally called the RED 4 ED DAY,  click here.  Nancy Bassett, RCEA Delegate to the convention sent the following pictures from her time there!