RCEA/RCPS 2019 Spring Retirement Banquet
On Thursday, May 23, 2019 the Rockingham County Education Association and RCPS hosted their annual Spring Retirement Banquet. At the banquet, Dr. Doug Aldefer helped to hand out retiree gifts; Bea Crantz from the Valley Retired Educators gave a rousing speech to those in attendance; and, Lauren Strawderman recognized the RCEA Scholarship Fund winners (photo of the winners is below).
Other special guests included Renee Read, School Board member; and, Nancy Bassett, RCEA Secretary, provided entertainment playing the piano. Tynecia Mitchell catered a wonderful meal for all the guests; and, everyone had an enjoyable evening! Thank you to all who donated to the RCEA Scholarship Fund; and, congratulations and best wishes to all RCPS retirees and our RCEA Scholarship Winners!
Jenine Jarrar, Abigail Olmstead, Mychaela Randall, and Logan Dofflemyer