Also discussed were upcoming VEA Events. So, mark your calendars with the following dates:
VEA Pre-Legislative Workshop and Dinner: Wednesday, October 23, at the Verona United Methodist Church beginning at 5:00pm. Names of those attending were due September 20th.
American Education Week: November 18-22, 2019. There was discussion on what gifts to get for members this year.
VEA Lobby Day: January 2020. Those attending the VEA Pre-Legislative Workshop will receive the date. Anyone going will need to make an appointment with their local Delegate and/or Senator in Richmond.
VEA Convention: The Convention will be in Hampton, Virginia this year. The local associations can send 1 delegate for every 33 members.
Next Member Meeting: November 12 at 4:00pm at the UniServ Office in Harrisonburg.