Thursday, July 30, 2020

RCEA Officers Preparing for NTO 2020

The RCEA Officers met on July 28, 2020 to prepare for the Rockingham County Schools New Teacher Orientation for this year. Due to COVID-19, the NTO will be virtual this year; so, because of this no extra groups will be allowed to meet the newest teachers in person. However, the officers were told that we could send in literature and anything with our e-mail or other website information. The officers prepared letters and information to be given to each new teacher along with a little treat!  Here is Kishia Tutt, RCEA Vice President and teacher at MMS working on the letters and showing the finished product, which Nancy Bassett, RCEA President and ESP at MMS, took to Central Office once we were done:

For anyone who needs our contact information, check out the RCEA Leadership Team link on the right of the page!