Sunday, September 18, 2016

Mark Your Calendar for These Upcoming VEA Events!

Registration for the VEA's Instruction and Professional Development Conference is now open! The conference this year is built around the Every Student Succeeds Act and is scheduled for November 18-19, 2016 at the Short Pump Hilton Hotel in Richmond. Want to find out more about sessions and who the keynote speaker will be? Click here for details! Space is limited to the first 300 registrants so be sure to sign up today! 

What would you say to a great FREE opportunity to have fun, learn about the VEA, and bond with new educators? Then SAVE THE DATE for the VEA SPARKS event at Wintergreen Resort! The event is open to educator members who are new to the profession and have little or no experience with the Virginia Education Association. It is a fun, free, and rewarding weekend event! Speaking from experience, you will have a great time!!!
The date: March 3-5, 2017
Want to attend? Applications are available from the RCEA President, Steve O'Baugh, or from the local UniServ Office! Applications are due by December 31st! So sign up for a great time!